How to Keep Your Cat from Getting Bored? 12 Simple Tips

Cats are extraordinary pets and great companions for children and adults alike. They are playful, friendly and fairly easy to maintain. They also perform well in most cases, but if they get bored, they can play pranks, such as scratching carpets and furniture, or making noises when you want to sleep.

If your cat has been causing trouble, read on and we’ve listed a few things you can do to prevent them from getting bored.

1. Interactive Toys and Puzzles

Cats thrive on mental stimulation, and interactive toys like puzzle feeders can stimulate their natural hunting instincts. These toys require cats to manipulate them in a specific way to receive treats or food, keeping their minds sharp and busy.

2. Cat Tree and Climbing Frame

Cats love to climb and observe their surroundings from a high vantage point. Cat trees, shelves, and even simple furniture arrangements can provide them with a playground to explore, helping them exercise and use their instincts.

3. Window Sills

Just like humans, many cats are fascinated by the outside world. The window perch gives them a front-row seat outdoors to watch birds, squirrels, and other activities nearby, which is very fun and mentally stimulating.

4. Regular Playtime

Consistent interactive play can significantly reduce boredom in cats. Using toys that mimic prey, such as feather sticks or laser pointers, can trigger their hunting instincts and provide a great outlet for excess energy.

Remember, it’s not just physical activity, it’s also a mental stimulation that strengthens the bond between you.

5. New Environments and Explorations

Sometimes, a change of environment can refresh your cat and help reduce stress. Allowing them to explore a new room or setting up a safe indoor fence can provide them with new sights, smells, and experiences, which may be enough to prevent boredom.

6. Accompaniment

For some cats, having a companion can be a great way to relieve boredom. Their companion may be another cat or even a cat-friendly dog. However, this is not a one-size-fits-all solution, as some cats prefer to be the only pet, in which case introducing a new pet can complicate things. Therefore, it is very important to consider the cat’s personality before bringing a new animal into the home.

7. Training and Techniques

Cats are intelligent, and you can train them to perform simple tricks or follow basic commands, which will mentally challenge them and provide you with a unique way to interact with your pet.

8. Rotate Toys Regularly

Just like humans, cats get bored with the same old toys. Rotate their toys every few weeks to keep everything fresh and exciting. It’s like reintroducing them to a brand new toy every time.

9. Cardboard Box

Never underestimate the appeal of a simple cardboard box. They provide a great opportunity to hide, play, and even scratch. Plus, they’re an economical way to keep your pet happy, and they’re almost always available.

10. DIY Toys

Homemade toys can be just as exciting as store-bought toys. Something as simple as a crumpled piece of paper or a ball of yarn can bring hours of fun and cost almost nothing. Remember to avoid anything your cat may accidentally swallow.

11. Outdoor Enclosure

When it’s safe to do, outdoor cat enclosures or supervised time in a safe backyard can provide a new world of sensory experiences. There are a variety of commercial cabinets to choose from, and if you have the tools, you can build one. Another option is to put a fence on the porch to prevent the cat from escaping.

12. Bring Outdoor Elements Indoors

For indoor cats, bringing some outdoor activities indoors can be a real treat. Consider safe houseplants that cats can sniff and nibble on, such as catgrass or catnip. You can also open the screen window to let in the fresh air and the sounds of nature.

Setting up a bird feeder near a window so cats can observe birds and other wildlife is also a great way to bring the outside world indoors.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Can I Tell if My Cat Is Bored?

Signs of boredom in cats include excessive sleep, excessive grooming, lack of appetite, or disruptive behavior. If your usually playful cat is not interested in toys or activities, this could be a sign of boredom.

What Is the Toy That Makes My Cat the Most Happy?

Diversity is key. Choose a combination of interactive toys like laser pointers, educational toys, and classic toys like feather sticks. Keep in mind that what excites one cat may not interest another, so it takes trial and error.

How Often Should I Play with My Cat to Prevent Boredom?

Aim for a 10-15 minute game at least twice a day. Cats thrive on daily activities, so try to schedule play times at the same time each day so they’ll be ready when you’re ready.

Is It Ok to Leave My Cat Alone All Day?

While cats are more independent than some pets, they still need interaction and stimulation. If you’re away for an extended period of time, consider leaving a fun toy, setting up a perch by the window, or even adopting a second cat as companion.


As you can see, it’s not difficult to keep your cat from getting bored. The introduction of regular playtime will provide mental and physical stimulation that will keep them healthy and happy. If you need to leave, make sure you have enough to keep your pet happy, especially if you need to be away for a while.

If possible, place plenty of cat trees and windowsills around your home, as well as interactive toys and puzzles, such as puzzle feeders and cardboard boxes, to make sure they have plenty to do while you’re away.

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